Sunday, August 7, 2011

Aplikasi Android untuk Kedokteran | Medical Applications for Android


Halo Semua. bagi kawan-kawan saya mahasiswa kedokteran saya tahu pentingnya aplikasi medis pada ponsel kita. Untuk android aplikasi medis sangat banyak dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya di os Symbian. Jadi di sini adalah koleksi dari hampir semua aplikasi medis yang tersedia di market android.
Hello Everyone. As a medical student I know the importance of the medical apps on our phone. For android there numerous medical apps as compared to previous favorite os Symbian. Although many apps are out there in the Android Market, hardly 3 or 4 are cracked.
I was impatient to wait for someone would be cracking it. So I decided to learn crack/reverse android apps by myself & finally succeded. I have successfully cracked 9 apps from mob!systms & now I have all the apps cracked. So here is the collection of almost all of the medical apps available on mob!systms.

Silahkan isi komentar anda disini..!
