Sniffer is a suite of IP Tools built around a packet sniffer.The packet sniffer can work on all Windows versions using either: the new raw socket implementation of Windows (driverless), WinPcap (needs to be installed), a NDIS protocol (needs to be installed , no reboot). IP sniffer is a protocol analyzer, that will use the XP/2K Raw Socket features.
IP Sniffer is also a suite of IP Tools like: IP trafic monitor, IP statistics, ARP (list & deleter entries, send request), Netbios Names, Route Print, Netstat (shows process attached to a connection, kill attached process, kill tcp entry), Network informations (Params, Adapters, Cards), Spoofing (TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP), WINS Query, DNS Query (using win32 DNSAPI), DHCP Find, WHOIS, Resolve IP / Hostname, PING (Host & Subnet), TCP Scan (Host & Subnet
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