Monday, February 28, 2011

Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, Second Edition

Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, Second Edition

Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, Second Edition 840 pages | McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 2 edition (December 25, 2003) | 0072230207 | PDF | 29 Mb
Explains how to use 100 plus software tools for auditing systems on a network, auditing a network, and investigating incidents. The authors also overview some of the most common hacking programs used in attacks, and how to detect them on a system. Topics include port scanners, vulnerability scanners, password crackers, and war dialers. Among the specific products described are Netcat, Nessus, Tripwire, John the Ripper, and the Forensic Toolkit. The CD-ROM contains demonstration and open source security tools. Download Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, Second Edition with high speed Depositefiles Download Filesonic Download

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